
We provide Dust Collection Systems in these Industries:

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Kraemer Manufacturing

We are a small but dynamic company located in Ontario, Canada with a long history dating back to 1964 of building one of the most sought after dust collection systems in the Wood and Plastics industries for many North American customers. Our presence is known by our customers and felt by our competition as we have moved the industry forward with our unique designs and technology over the years that others have benefited from. It remains our focus to provide well designed dust collection solutions for applications and requirements throughout many industries that use our products. Kraemer Manufacturing has endured the many challenges over the years, but has stayed true to its roots of working with its customers one solution at a time. In this day of computors though, we are proud that we have kept up with using CAD design, social media and our online webstore, which you can buy any one of our more than 4000 products at the touch of a few buttons. As many customers have come to know our products over the years and have used them without issue, they realized they are good value for the money and continue to keep them running and also buy new ones today. Were not the lowest price on the market, nor do we want to be, as that would mean we would have to cut corners somewhere that it means the most, as others may have chosen to do. Our commitment is to continue to further the industry using fair prices, unique methods, good technology and updated processes to handle your needs.

The Kraemer MFG Team